#192: It’s Time to Define Your Lively

We all have our own definition of what it means to GET or FEEL lively. As I've said many times: we are as unique as snowflakes, so what makes us feel most alive (i.e. LIVELY) looks different for all of us.

Sometimes people say to me: “I'm not lively as I don't have your energy.”

And I say: “Of course you don't, you are not me!”

Being LIVELY is not what it looks like on ME, it's what it looks like on YOU!

In this week's show we are doing a little refresher course on defining our LIVELY and also how to ebb and flow with how that might change over time.

Offering LIVESTREAM virtual classes from right inside the Get Lively®: Health & Fitness Studio! Join from anywhere – look for classes labeled VIRTUAL on the schedule: www.getlivelynow.com/fitness

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