Sharing my annual list of favorites ranging from self help, to memoirs, to fiction; here are the books that inspired and motivated me in 2019.
Take the first step in building your healthy habits!
Sharing my annual list of favorites ranging from self help, to memoirs, to fiction; here are the books that inspired and motivated me in 2019.
Take the first step in building your healthy habits!
Later this month will be Get Lively’s 8th anniversary! Where does the time go?!? That leads me to this week’s message… I was listening to a podcast the other day…
[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//” height=”100″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Ever find yourself in a situation where you are so fearful about doing something, but you do it anyway,…
We all deal with bouts of uncertainty at various times and at various life stages, and for me, I was constantly dealing with uncertainty when it came to looking for…