Episode 4: Bringing Joy & Humor Back to the Holidays!

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Do you feel like you are on a treadmill from Thanksgiving until the New Year, barely able to keep up with expectations, social obligations, and your own desire for the “perfect” holiday season?

It's time to kick this stress to the curb and reclaim the JOY of this season!

In today's episode, we are going to chat about how to get back to the SPIRIT of this season.  How to simplify and enjoy!

And for our weekly dose of humor, I'll be sharing excerpts from one of my favorite blog posts, contrasting a 70's style Christmas to today.  You can read the full post here: http://www.victoriafedden.com/widelawns/2015/12/2/christmas-in-the-70s-vs-christmas-today

And for those of you who feel that eating is a real challenge for you this time of year, allow me to help you focus!  Check out my online Eating with Intention program:


Reach out anytime!  You can email me at: jan@getlivelynow.com

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