#280: Making a BIG announcement as I hand over the mic!

It took me 280 episodes to finally have the tables turned on ME!

On this week's show, I handed over the mic to our gal pal, business bestie, and frequent podcast guest Courtney Hurst to interview me! (Spoiler alert: she nails the intro!)

Why did we do this you might ask?

Well beyond the obvious reasons – we had a great time laughing and planning for this show – but the real reason is because I've got BIG NEWS to share.

Get Lively® is opening in our new space in a few days.

But it's SO much more than that… so tune into this episode to hear more.

There are so many ways to GET LIVELY.  We are a Lifestyle Studio on a mission to help YOU smile MORE.  Through training, group fitness, virtual classes, celebratory life events and more, we are your one stop shop for living a healthier and happier life! www.getlivelynow.com

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