#12: Three Reasons You Need to Love Yourself More

Does the conversation around “self love” make you squirm?  Do you feel resistance or anxious when you talk or think about loving yourself more?  Many of us struggle with the idea of self love and learning how to unconditionally love ourselves.

Many of us have also gotten pretty good at criticizing and judging ourselves? well aren't you ready for that to change?  Aren't you at least willing to experiment with how it might feel to love yourself?

In this episode, I'm sharing the 3 reasons why you need to love yourself more.  For yourself and for those around you.

Maybe part of your path to self love means finding more satisfaction in your life!

If so, get my FREE coaching video and worksheet on 5 Simple Steps to Living a More Satisfied Life: www.getlivelynow.com/freecoaching

Email me at: jan@getlivelynow.com

Check out this episode!

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