I get it, you're busy. We all are.
But that doesn't mean you can't find ways to improve your days and live a life more LIVELY.
In fact, there are probably a handful of times throughout the day that you can REPURPOSE the time you have.
I get it, you're busy. We all are.
But that doesn't mean you can't find ways to improve your days and live a life more LIVELY.
In fact, there are probably a handful of times throughout the day that you can REPURPOSE the time you have.
My dad passed away in May. I haven’t really talked about it in my podcasts, but today I had an experience and felt the time was right to share this…
I took time over the Christmas break to take a closer look at the functions of Get Lively and how to grow as a business so that we can continue…
“Real change is practically invisible as it’s happening.” This quote by Marie Forleo has been playing out this month in my “Planksgiving” challenge group as we are work towards holding…