#348: First Day of School Vibes

podcast 348

Remember those first day of school vibes? 

The mix of nervous excitement, the anticipation of new beginnings, and that lingering question: Am I going to be okay?!

Well, that's exactly where I find myself right now as I begin my new role at the New Art Center.

I’m excited to start this next chapter, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t also feeling a bit wobbly about balancing it all.

In this week’s podcast, I’m sharing all that is going on in my head as I pack up my lunch, my new work bag, and I set out on my first day.

There are so many ways to GET LIVELY.  We are a Lifestyle Studio on a mission to help YOU smile MORE.  Through training, group fitness, virtual classes, celebratory life events and more, we are your one stop shop for living a healthier and happier life!


podcast 348

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