#180: The TWO steps that get you STARTED

I'm currently coaching a great group of people in The Lifestyle program.  

We are working on creating healthy habits and routines for our UNIQUE and individual lives.

As with any new program or process that we approach, there tends to be one constant theme in the beginning… and that is FEAR.

Fear that we can't do it.

Fear that we will mess up.

Fear that we won't be consistent.

Fear that we won't follow through.

Fear that we won't get the results we desire.

Well, as I was telling the group the other day, there are two steps that you need to take to get started.

Number 1: Be Afraid.  (We all seem to have that down.)

Number 2: Do it ANYWAY.  (Now this is where we trip ourselves up.)

If you are wanting to try something new, this show is for you.

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