#342: How I’m Trying to Deal with Perimenopausal Chaos

podcast 342

Yes, we're back to this topic again.  

And the reason I keep talking about perimenopause and how it’s making me CRAZY is because this is such a hot topic at the studio and has been for many months.

There are so many of us going through this life transition, and I want us all to feel less alone.

First, I need to accept that this is a life phase that I’m going through (and as I say on this week’s show, I’m grateful in a way for it as it means I’ve gotten this far.)

And second, many women – on the other side of it – describe that place as calm, grounded, and dare I say even peaceful (BRING. IT. ON.)

This got me thinking about the serenity prayer and accepting the things I cannot change, the courage to change those I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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podcast 342

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