#14: My Body Shaming Confession and Pledge to Love my Body

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Sharing a bit of a shameful story today… after recently having a photo shoot done for my business, I found myself sinking into a moment of body shaming.  I made a comment about myself that goes against all I stand for and believe.  But I'm glad it happened, because within it there is a lesson for ME and a lesson for YOU.

You may not even be aware of how acceptable it has become for us to criticize and body shame ourselves – AND – to allow others to do the same.  It's got to stop, so I'm making a pledge to myself and YOU and I hope you will join me.

In this episode, I share stories from my photo shoot with Meghann Gregory Photography.  If you are in the Greater Boston Area and have photography needs, check her out! https://www.meghanngregory.com/

Get my FREE coaching video and worksheet on 5 Simple Steps to Living a More Satisfied Life: www.getlivelynow.com/freecoaching

Email me at: jan@getlivelynow.com

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