Get stronger

Achieve and Maintain Your Fitness Goals through Personal Training

Ready to start feeling stronger, more energized, and confident?

"I need personalized help to reach my fitness goals."
"I want to get stronger and boost my confidence"
"I'm looking for a trainer with the right skills for my needs"

Meet Jan, your personal trainer

As an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, I design a programs to help you reach – and maintain – your fitness goals. Utilizing a variety of fitness modalities and equipment, I create custom routines to fit any lifestyle and fitness level.

As a certified holistic health coach, I am also able to provide diet and lifestyle advice as it relates to exercise and your physical fitness goals.

If you are ready to take your training to the next level, our team of trainers are ready to help!  

Book your consult today!


Our expert trainers provide tailored workouts, motivation, and support to ensure you see real results. Invest in yourself and transform your fitness journey today!

If you are ready to take your training to the next level, our team of trainers are ready to help!

How it works

Private one-on-one sessions are available at our studio in Watertown, Massachusetts, focusing on:

  • Strength Building
  • Cardiovascular Conditioning
  • Improving Core Strength
  • Balance, Stability, and Flexibility
  • Your Personal Fitness Goals

Easy access for clients in the surrounding communities including: Arlington, Belmont, Brighton, Cambridge, Newton, and Waltham.

Get Started with our “Get Training Special” and get 3 sessions for $250!

Book your consult today

I’ve noticeably increased my core strength, which is no small thing for a “sixtysomething” woman.

I only wish I’d found Jan decades ago.

Meet the trainers

LISTEN UP PEOPLE!  Jan Taylor is the first personal trainer (and I’ve worked with many over the years) who has gotten me into a regular exercise routine, made me actually look forward to it, and has noticeably increased my core strength, which is no small thing for a “sixtysomething” woman. I’ve never worked with a trainer who is so engaged, so attuned to my needs, and so positive in the process. I only wish I’d found Jan decades ago.


Shelley Brauer

Walking into a new workout space is intimidating! There has always been something comforting about the anonymity of a large gym but that anonymity is what led to injuries and paying for memberships I stopped using. After spending a few months doing personal training at Get Lively, I progressed to online classes but ultimately decided I wanted more. So I pushed my doubting thoughts to the side and made myself walk through the door to a group class. Amazingly it has been exactly what I needed, the level of instruction and attention to form, the friendly culture that encourages you to push just a little more regardless of where your baseline is, and the genuine “see you tomorrow’s” that led to accountability. Two years in and I find myself looking forward to my time at the studio. I’m honestly not sure how it happened, but somehow I’m now a consistent exerciser!


Personal training client

Personal trainer cost

    Personal Training: Intro Special

    The best way to get started!  Three (45) minute sessions at the special rate of $250


    Need help deciding on a plan that suits you?

    Get in touch and we'll help match a membership to your specific needs.

    Frequently asked questions

    • How often do we need to meet?

      This is all based on what you are trying to achieve and your personal fitness goals.  I can meet with you to design a program that you do on your own, or we can meet on a regular basis, such as once or twice per week, for personal training sessions during which you perform a workout and have your exercise routine updated as you progress with your goals. How often we meet is completely up to you.


    • Is it too late for me to start personal training?

      It’s never too late to start…

      In fact, I often work with busy moms, women of the “baby boomer” and Gen X generations, and those who have struggled to prioritize their own health and wellness and adopt a fitness routine.  I love to share the story of a client, who at 60 years of age decided to engage me as her trainer, and at the start of the program could not hold a plank position.  It was her goal to be able to do a pushup and after six months of working together, she not only holds a plank and can do a pushup, but she is up to doing ten per set!

      It is truly never too late to get stronger.

    • What if I want to book a session for you to make me a plan to do at home?

      We do this for people all the time!  If you’ve got a home gym, or gym in your building or at work, and need guidance as to where to start, we’ll build a plan for you!

    • Do you specialize in training for seniors?

      We’ve got trainers who specialize specifically in training for seniors, book a consult to learn  more!

    • Why is everyone talking about strength training nowadays? Is it a fad?

      Yes, strength training is getting quite a bit of buzz these days, but for good reason!  As science and medicine progresses, and as we are living longer, we are understanding that we MUST strength train to age actively and avoid falls!  Check out this recent NPR article about how studies show that people who strength train live longer!

    • How much does it cost?

      We’ve got lots of options to fit your training needs, book a consult to chat and learn more, but we know you want the numbers, so here they are…

      8x/month membership: $720 ($90/session)

      4x/month membership: $360 ($90/session)

      5 pack of sessions: $500 ($100/session)

      1 session: $125

    Intro special

    3 sessions for $250

    Sign me up!