#268: New for Get Lively in 2023

It's time to share something I've been dreaming up the past few years: Get Lively®: Business Edition!

I will officially be offering business coaching services to two types of dreamers:

People just like me who are looking to make a career change and either start their own business, or leap into something COMPLETELY different, just like I did.


Early stage entrepreneurs.  People who started a business in the last few years (the Pandemic being the impetus for so many people to leave their jobs and start their own gig) and who are now struggling to create infrastructure, to reach their audience, to navigate ALL that comes with being a solo, small business owner.

Ready to learn more about how I can support you? Listen to this episode!

Have you taken a *VIRTUAL* Get Lively class?

Offered in-studio and virtually 8:30 to 9:15 AM on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Join class from the comfort of your own living room! Check it out: www.getlivelynow.com/classes

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