The Get Lively® with Jan podcast

Episodes about Eating Well

#173 Eating for Stress (it’s not what you think)
We often talk about eating when we are stressed out and how this is something to AVOID. Well, it is if we are eating stuff that is not really that…

#172 When you gain 5lbs over the Weekend
Yes, I’m sharing how I gained 5lbs over the weekend. It was actually Super Bowl weekend… I don’t normally talk about weight, but I knew the mental struggle that I…

#166 So you are thinking about going on a diet…
I know, I know… you guys get tired of my hopping on my soapbox about diets… BUT given the time of year, I thought it would be a good time…

#162 Baby Steps to Better Health
Well, friends, today I wanted to share some really simple (and digestible) information that I came across in a book that I’m working through with one of my corporate wellness…

#151 Are you overdoing it?
So the grocery store is now lined with floor to ceiling bags of candy. And this tends to kick off the season of clients coming to me and saying: HOW…

#138 Finding What Works for YOU
First of all, hope you are all enjoying this first week of July! Second, if you are like, well, most people, you’ve probably cycled through diet plan after diet plan,…

#123 Am I ready to start a health or fitness program? The 4 questions to ask yourself.
People come to me all the time and ask about starting a new: fitness routine diet lifestyle/way of eating mindset/habit program In all of these scenarios, I generally work through…

#120 Sneaking in the healthy stuff can be easier than you think (even for the kids!)
There are super simple ways to sneak in the healthy stuff, so on today’s show I’m sharing my favorite ways to boost the nutritional value of the meals you love,…

#113: What happens when we get caught up in an IDEAL
Was there a time in your life when you feel you were in the BEST shape or you felt SO in control of how you were eating. If you have…

#110: “I forgot to eat lunch,” said me NEVER
Are you a “I forgot to eat lunch” type of person? Or are you more like me and fall into the “is it time for second lunch?” kind of gal. …

#107: A Health Coach Shares her top 4 Strategies for the Holiday Season
November does not need to represent a chocolate dipped slide into the New Year. There are simple ways to stay happy and healthy – and of course – fit and…