The Get Lively® with Jan podcast

Episodes about Enjoy Your Life

#252: How I make MONDAY morning feel AMAZING
Friends, we tend to complicate the living crap out of things and sometimes it only takes a small amount of effort to feel so prepared in life. So, what’s my…

#246: What’s your pace?
I find that the day before vacation, I’m counting down the hours and just can’t wait to get there. Why do we live this way? Why do we push ourselves…

#242: What’s your ideal summer day?
Dang, it’s so nice to have a break. Seems like we’ve all been counting down the days for it. Not surprising given this uber challenging world we live in… So…

#241: What I was doing eight years ago this week.
Happy 8th anniversary to Get Lively and to all of us! YOU all have made this dream a reality for me! And so for this week’s message, the story really…

#236: When We Dance Along the Line
If you’ve been with me for awhile, you’ve surely heard me say at some point: I’m dancing the line between X and Y… Dancing the line between what I feel…

#234: What are you BECOMING?
Don’t you just love “May green”? Those bright, almost baby shades of green that are bursting up all around us. I just love that. Feels so new, so lively. Feels…

#230: It’s up to you to define this.
What’s this week’s podcast episode about? YOU must define what happiness means for YOU. And as it relates to living a healthy lifestyle: you need to decide what works BEST…

#224: Lessons from Ted Lasso: Part 3 of 3
And in the final part of our “Lessons from Ted Lasso” series, I bring you three more lessons I’ve learned from watching this show. Now I want to know… anybody…

#223: Lessons from Ted Lasso: Part 2 of 3
In last week’s “Lessons from Ted Lasso” we talked about BEING happy and how Ted embraces it. This week, we are going to touch on some of the “how”… So…

#222: Lessons from Ted Lasso: Part 1 of 3
Yes, sometimes a TV show comes along and gives you EXACTLY what you need. And boy did I need Ted Lasso! Anybody else feel that way? So… looking back over…

#212: Craving a Childhood Christmas
So much has happened this past year and it’s really got me holding on to many memories from my childhood. As we prance along into this holiday season, I started…

#209: Did you get a video of that?
The other night I was talking to a friend. He’d just returned from a work trip to Texas and was talking about going to this place during sunset and watching…